Steve Juon's award winning **Original 
Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive** website:

You have just found your way into that which is Krunch. Please keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times, and your tray tables in the upright and locked position.

All about Krunch
(What you really wanted to know about SirK,
but never had the balls to inquire...)

Beware of broken lenses
(Where did this kooky kid get his weird-ass looks)

Warning: Horny computer users images located within
(The ugly people come out to play...and drink...
and f**k each other senseless!)

Wheel! Of! Fortune!
(Hey, I get bored too, ya know...)

Evil Stuff
(I'm forcing my evil ways on you)

Go Hawkeyes!
Introducing the 2001 Big Ten Men's AND Women's Basketball
champions... the IOWA HAWKEYES

E-mail me, Darnit!
(If you're really bored, write me.  Hell, I might even answer.)

Stuff.  I don't know what stuff...just stuff.
(Just a few things I had laying around)

Click for Story City, Iowa Forecast

This page was concieved:  April 4th, 1998
Page last updated: July 4, 2006
(Cleaned up more stuff on the Wheel Of Fortune page. You know, one of these days I'd love to make good on the promise to search around at Lowe's and fix that poor thing up!)